martedì 22 aprile 2014

Sketch Crawl in Treviso, Italy, 04-19-14

last saturday I joined this group of artists and went to my very first sketch crawl! 
I mean, I had already made live sketches with some friends now and then, still I had never really tryed to take it seriously ....well I probabily dind't take it seriously enough this time even, I was so excited, and trying to catch every detail, I couldn't focus enough!
furthermore I was always chatting with others, so maybe that was the reason why I couldn't focus, I guess...
in fact down below you can see one among the pages I drawn, it's not so =) my friends and other sketchers did some really beautiful works, some can be seen  here:

by the way I got inspired, going around and seeing many beautiful things, so once at home I took the studies I made and re-made them with some calm : I guess this is cheating again... ^_^

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