mercoledì 14 maggio 2014

Harajuku Fashion Walk in Venice!

went to this lovely event last Sunday, and took the chance to try my sketching skills again! it was beatutiful, lot of young and beautiful people with such amazing dresses, walking all over Venice!
Amazing =)

 some beautiful photo could be seen on the facebook page:

Harajuku Fashion Walk Venezia

there were some really good photographers too!

giovedì 1 maggio 2014

Sketch Crawl in Treviso 19-04-2014, part 2

another remake  =) one would think that remaking should produce better drawings...well it does, so I'll let you just fancy how the previous one would have been...

martedì 22 aprile 2014

Sketch Crawl in Treviso, Italy, 04-19-14

last saturday I joined this group of artists and went to my very first sketch crawl! 
I mean, I had already made live sketches with some friends now and then, still I had never really tryed to take it seriously ....well I probabily dind't take it seriously enough this time even, I was so excited, and trying to catch every detail, I couldn't focus enough!
furthermore I was always chatting with others, so maybe that was the reason why I couldn't focus, I guess...
in fact down below you can see one among the pages I drawn, it's not so =) my friends and other sketchers did some really beautiful works, some can be seen  here:

by the way I got inspired, going around and seeing many beautiful things, so once at home I took the studies I made and re-made them with some calm : I guess this is cheating again... ^_^

lunedì 7 aprile 2014

Dorne, watercolors

up here, my sucking first try. as usual, I messed it up so badly that a certain moment I could think no more of any way of going on I left it incomplete, and...

remade it 

better this time...still not the masterpiece, but something I could at least try to fix, and then
a bit of

photoshop magic:

and it finally looks almost like something realized by some human being.
I don't think I'm going for a third try...even though  the second time I had this great idea ( sarcasm...) of scanning pencils before starting coloring, and next time I I wouldn't have to draw it all again, at least...

martedì 1 aprile 2014

cartoon portait, first concept

 my very first concept for his cartoon portrait ^^ I liked it, but it was a bit too complicated: too many characters, horizontal composition, no center in this picture, all things diverting attention from what was supposed to be the main character of this cartoon. so, with some help from others ( my friend's brother) I rearranged it. but I think it was a funny idea, so I posted it ^_^ 

cartoon portrait background

here preparatory studies I  made before realizing my friend's cartoon. 
copyed by some photo and I must be grateful to his ego, for he really have many,
furthermore, he likes to take photo while having foolish facial expressions, that really made my life much more simple ^_^ 

mercoledì 26 marzo 2014

Davide, cartoon portrait

cartoon portrait of a friend of mine, my gift for his degree!
 he dislikes Disney, and junkfood, and he loves Apple and apples... finally he also draws, and I can't decide whether to admit he does better than I do, or deny it for my pride's sake... 
despite it all, anyway, we can say he's really a good fellow =D
 congrats, davide! ^_^  

lunedì 17 marzo 2014

Irish wisdom

when a child I was a little obsessed with the Braveheart movie, this one of my favourite  gags, about Irish people in the Irish Day.

mercoledì 12 marzo 2014

yeah, that's cheating...not finishing previous work and posting some other rough colored my defence, I messed up the previous one with watercolours ( guess that typing the word 'mess' or  'messed up' on google one will probabily wind up finding my blog...)   and having to work on too much things lately, at least too much for me took one just started one and finished in a hurry( maybe typing the word 'hurry' one will end up here too...)
computer coloring is so much more reliable than manual coloring, not that I were better at, but It's a little less stressing, no risk to get a stomach ulcer at least. ( though  I guess I unfortunately like the watercolor effect better)
however...this is not that bad I dare say!

martedì 25 febbraio 2014


since I started to read the serie, I have longed to draw some Game Of Thrones scenery, so here we are. my first GOT fanart was to be about Dorne, I was inspired by a chapter about its Prince and his palace...though I'm not sure it was supposed to look so eastern, but that's quite how I imagined it...and yes I got some help from a photo of an Arabic Palace...just a rough sketch, with some color tries.  
...guess it looks a bit Disney-like....

lunedì 17 febbraio 2014

making of


in the very first concept of Valentine's post the Little Mermaid was supposed to be this Little Mermaid, but it would have been quite depressing ^^

I'm getting photoshop addicted...

...worse, I just realized I'm getting photoshop's hue-addicted...if I were good at, at least...

giovedì 13 febbraio 2014


took a while to make this one, and I was quite in a hurry coloring the last couples ^^
this year i feel a little more Valentine's mood than I used to, and that's stupid !
indeed  I used to be the Valentine's haters club vice-pres, i guess so...and I can't tell what this change of attitude is due to ..just, I guess, I'd rather like to cheer than complaining again ^_^
and since everyone's saying this is a commercial celebration, well I thought about that, I guess I'm glad it is: that is more work for artist producing cards and jewels, and all that stuff, so if I become good enough to do that that will mean more work for me ^^
however, I had quite a good time making this, trying to represent different ways of love through characters from movies and literature I love ^^ 
so Happy Valentine's my watchers, whatever Valentine's means to you ^^

lunedì 27 gennaio 2014

brush addicted

sometimes once I have started inking, I really get caught by it! so I start making stupid foolish things like trying japanese calligraphy! I made 2 pages full of this, but the most of my tryes were really awful, so I only put here the best ones. 

Youkai 2

I made it ^^ drawn and colored it again...still not perfect, but I like it better now!
the whole idea of this picture actually started from the kappa character, kappa is a little frog-like japanese monster, quite a peculiar one^^ 

lunedì 20 gennaio 2014

I spent most of my week end trying to ink rocks. 
this can sound quite quite crazy, but  people who makes comics often manages to portray things conveying in their pictures the sense of things not just their shape, I envy them so much!

I was inspired by a beautiful comic which a friend of mine lent me:

I  recomend it to people who manage to read in French and probabily in English, I guess from the picture up here, they have it translated in German too^^

martedì 14 gennaio 2014


Youkai is the term oftenly used  to refer to a class of demons, ghosts and spirits which are typical of the Japanese folklore. It was quite a while from the last time I had visited the manga shop, and I think it was even more since I had bought and read an actual manga. 
Two weeks ago I went there to buy a present for a friend, and then I obviously  found myself buying mangas for me. I especially love stories setted in medieval Japan or referring to Japanese folklore, with youkai and spirits, I could say I was grown up by InuYasha's manga and anime in my teens, so I suddenly felt so much inspired to draw Japanese monsters! 
the picture's just about a story of mine, one of those I had thought  about every character and every character's story without really figuring the actual story, still it is useful to make pictures about ^^
watercolour isn't finished, still I have already managed to mess it up. 
I guess I'll finish and try to fix it,by the way, I guess the youkai part hasn't turned out that bad. probabily.

martedì 7 gennaio 2014

willow, live sketches from my winter vacation

well, right, they were live sketches...I was in this little location in the open air, there was a villa, a little wood, trees and a creek. 
as the lazy person that I am would have done, I didn't even try to represent the villa ( architecture? perspective?...please..I was on holiday, remember?), but tried to copy the creek and trees. 
I actually started just copying, but a certain moment I started adding human features to some branches I had previously scketched. I guess I've always loved the idea of  nymphs and living trees.
the first story I drawn while attending drawing school was actually about a willow tree with human feelings ...guess I've always loved willows too, though it was quite a torture to draw it with all its propers branches and leaves then...this time it was easier for it had no leaves ! ^^
oh, I loved the creek running there as well, and there were woods and fens! it was just really inspiring , I think fens always are  
( as long as you don't fall into one...) =)