lunedì 30 dicembre 2013

2013, perspective strikes back

While I was attending drawing school I used to think: perspective? come on...I'll never get it.
well, I never got it indeed, still one day the time came  when I could not just close my eyes and ignore it anymore, and here I am, fighting with adhesive tape, and lots of papers and rulers, fighting against confusing llines and  vanishing many vanishing points, damn it! and when it doesn't turn out a very correct perspective I still try to cheat...
hope 2014 will be a better year to draw perspectives...

I wish you a better New Year too ^_^

mercoledì 25 dicembre 2013

Xmas 2013

having a bit of holiday lately I really got fun drawing and trying to improve my coloring ^_^
merry Xmas to all people who visited and visit this blog by interest or by chance, thank you !

martedì 24 dicembre 2013

winter's light

I've been drawing quite a lot of Irish scenarios and Irish houses lately, for I've been working on a project whose set is early 20th century's Ireland, I hope I will be able to air that project next year.
 anyway I  just woke some days ago and  felt like drawing some really wintry scene, and I had these Irish village and characters in my mind, I quite like the final outcome! up here, with some photoshop effects, down below the original one, which I find quite good too! 

martedì 10 dicembre 2013

project Amaterasu, scenario

some years ago, I guess  it was 2010 or 2011, I had this story setted in an asian forest , and did started drawing. these days I found myself thinking about that story and about the environment I had fancied for it: it was  a really fascinanting one, though, as one can possibly desume from the picture below, I had not quite the skills to represent it...hoping in a personal improvement I started drawing that scenario again, for I really felt inspired! 

2011, my inking skills were really sooo bad...I almost feel relieved! I really like some of the character's poses though.

lunedì 2 dicembre 2013


cartoon drawing of my sister I've done to celebrate her university graduation, congrats elena!
 ( she terribly fears pigeons)

some quite rough sketches I made for training.
the one with the kitty cat is really close to the model, I think.
 I guess she would like me to draw a proper portrait, still she'd have to be content with just some sketches, for the whole work took me quite a long time and I'm short of time to draw lately ^_^

lunedì 18 novembre 2013

lunedì 11 novembre 2013

Legend of Sadhbh- character scketches

among all Fionn Mac Cumhaill's legends' cicle, one of my favourite is the one telling abut Fionn and Sadhbh, the deer-maid.
 Add this to my love for drawing kids and young girls ( which are the most easy characters for me to draw) and you'll have me making a watercolor sketch about this ^_^
All the full-bodied characters are different versions of Sadhbh, the second one on the right is the most close to what was my original idea, and still probabily my fave. but I love the long-haired dark girl in the right corner too, and she would also be a version of Sadhbh, with a different temper, as her expression should tell.
there's a Fionn's sketch too, and one of another character of mine.
Indeed since i was very young I would have like to draw some story about the Fenian's cicle or sometìhing related to, and I imagined quite a ring of character which would have dealt with Fionn and the original ones. 
I think this kind of cicles always to be fascinanting fields of stories and feelings for a story-teller to explore. 

lunedì 4 novembre 2013


here my work desk, and not its worst working condition...I usually got so many leaves, pens and books on it that I end up moving to another room and another desk to draw...I sometimes use it rather like a quick deposit  than a working place I guess.. XP

King of the Slieve Blooms - back to celtic

... and back to yung Fionn Mac Cumhaill. 
first concept of this scene, I was inspired by the song 'Breath Of Life' watching the Snow White movie, last year. started it in 2012, but I've never come to finish it, for it's too much detailed and I got confused when I try to add color, and I fear to ruin it I guess it will stay this way:

by the way, here's the 2013 version which I'm currently working on in my very free time. I quite like it better and I really think I'm going to end it this time ^_^ ( though it will turn out like a mess, probabily)

martedì 29 ottobre 2013

AA folding 4 page 5

I think I'm going black-addicted...I started inking this page thinking I would have made it very clear to have the chance of coloring it, sooner or later...then little by little I keep on adding black and black and is so misterious and it make such a beautiful contrast effect!...well and probabily it helps quite well to cover up one's drawing mistakes, that's probabily the real  reason why I love it... 

lunedì 21 ottobre 2013

N&C inking

I apologize for being so slow ^_^' I'm just following too many projects though... made this yesterday night, I have not had time to erase the pencil marks yet, nor the witheout.
 the next version I'll upload will hopefully be cleaner. I mean I'll clean it on photoshop, for I'm not actually one who draws in a very clean way... XP

lunedì 14 ottobre 2013

a few weeks ago I partecipated this exibition : Hearth  in Palazzolo dello Stella ( UD, Italy) it was a little event but we got a lot of fun . the exibition will last till next week.

martedì 8 ottobre 2013

Avengers Arena volume 4 page 5, pencils

I have to admit I'v got a thing with that comic book, the current moment, and with this issue and these characters most of all, I'll try to publish just a few more posts about it up to now, for watchers would get bored and the real authors would maybe report me for copying XD

martedì 17 settembre 2013

Avengers Arena vol 4 page 4, storyboard

making my own storyboard version of  some Avengers Arena's pages and trying to make it different from the original ones by Alessandro Vitti ( link in the post below).
characters are still Nico and Chase, I would like to actually draw this page, if I find time to do it. 

martedì 10 settembre 2013

Marvel Runaways - Nico & Chase

I came across this marvel comic book Avengers' Arena while i was on holiday and I found it catching and the drawning beautiful, i love both Kev Walker's and Alessandro Vitti's styles, and there was this chapter about two of Marvel Runaways characters, and I loved it very much, and loved the characters very much. 
so I tried to draw them myself, but I was not so original: indeed their looking and clothing don't differ from the official one's, and anyway I love the way Alessandro Vitti represented them much more than the way I did, especially Chase, the boy:

I'm still quite a novice with photoshop coloring, so maybe the colored version( though not finished yet) isn't so good, maybe the colors could be messed up or something like that, I hope not, for as I see them on my pc it looks like a quite good choice of colors.

martedì 3 settembre 2013

The Bonny Swan

... sometimes she sank sometimes she swam
until she came to a miller's dam.
the miller's daughter, dressed in red,
she went for some water to make her bread
'oh father, oh daddy, here swims a swan
it's very like a gentle woman' ...

lunedì 26 agosto 2013

The Bonny Swan

A farmer there lived in a north country,
and he had daughters one, two, three, 
these daughter they walked by the river's brim
the eldest pushed the youngest in

oh, sister, sister, pray land me your hand
and I will give you house and land!
I'll give you neither hand nor glove,
unless you give me your own true love...

( The Bonny Swans, Loreena McKennitt)

giovedì 22 agosto 2013

summer 2013 Ireland

been on holiday for a while, I'm back now and going to post some new art really soon! sorry for the suspension, keep on watching if you like this blog, thanks!!!!

lunedì 22 luglio 2013

Two Souls

Onua the Seine's Guardian, and Hel, the Norse child. these were just some secondary characters of a story of mine, but they grew more fascinanting in my mind and I sometimes would like to make their own story sooner or later. it would be not such an original story though: old friendship gone waste etc...
Hel's Character in the beginning was thought to be a man, but she looked so much better as a woman...!

made this while listening  Fever Ray's tunes:
I love the make up this singer wears on her videos.

lunedì 15 luglio 2013


scene from Deborah Lisson's novel TruthSeeker: Sigfrid reaches the Saxons' village. 
I loved that scene, though it was a little different from what I've drawn.
 I've put it at dawn, at least that would be my purpose, and I think  I quite made it so far...still the picture's not finished yet: I just put some watercolour shading, but I'll have to color it more properly. 
Sigfrid should look older. I'm getting too used at drawing kids, this boy doesn't look like a 14-15 years old, does he?
despite all these considerations, I think the whole drawing quite satisfies me, so far.

lunedì 8 luglio 2013


I want to improve in coloring, for I feel someway able to pencil-draw, but I often fear to ruin my works by inking or coloring them, I must overcome it.  
the picture's character is another character from a book I read, Sigfrid from Deborah Lisson's novel TruthSeeker. 
watercolors with some photoshop tweaks.

lunedì 1 luglio 2013

The Blanket Scene, complete

several dialogues belong to the novel's author Sam McBratney.
the scene begins whit young Dinn Keene having just been set in his fostering family, and first captions report what  had been said between his fostering father, Ruadh, and the boy's guardian, Corag Mor, when this one brought Dinn Keene to Ruadh's village.